Breast Lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure popular among women who are looking to lift their breasts into a perkier, more youthful position. As we get older our faces and bodies change in many stubble and not-so-subtle ways—the skin, fat, and muscles start to sag, wrinkles, lines, and creases appear and we lose valuable fats while holding on to the stubborn fats we wish would go away. The breasts are not exempt from these changes and may sag prematurely due to a number of factors such as fluctuations in weight, pregnancy and nursing. When a woman’s breasts are sagging, she may feel self-conscious about her breast appearance. The Breast Lift procedure lifts the breasts back up restoring them to a perkier position.
The breast lift alone is not designed to enhance the size of the breasts, only lift the breasts, so for women who are interested in achieving larger breasts or perhaps restoring their breast volume if they have lost breast volume, as well as lifting the breasts to a perkier position, a combination breast lift with augmentation may be used. If you are interested in learning more about the breast lift procedure and the combination breast lift with breast augmentation procedure, contact our office to schedule your consultation with Dr. Mesa today.