Is Restylane Lyft dermal filler right for me?
Restylane Lyft is safe, affordable and non-invasive. It is intended for a wide range of clients looking to correct laugh lines, small wrinkles and sculpt their cheekbones. For both men and women alike, with Restylane Lyft you get immediate satisfaction with no downtime.
How long will my results last with Restylane Lyft Dermal Filler?
The duration of the dermal fillers varies depending on the type of dermal filler used and the patient. The movement of the area injected influences also the longevity of the fillers. Restylane Lyft bas been demonstrated to last up to 1 years.
What are the most common side effects of Restylane Lyft Dermal filler?
Immediately following the injections, you may experience some mild redness, minor swelling, or bruising in the treatment area. These symptoms typically disappear within few days. Allergic reactions are extremely rare. Most patients are able to resume normal activities immediately following the treatment.
What should I do before treatment with Restylane Lyft dermal filler?
Patient should refrain of any medications that make the blood “thin” (blood thinners) and therefore increase the risk of bruising with the injection process. Medications and supplements to avoid are aspirin, ibuprofen, Vitamin E, fish oil, and other blood thinners for at least one (1) week before treatment. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) can be safely taken prior any injection since it doesn’t increase the risk of post injection bruising.
What should I do after treatment with Restylane Lyft dermal filler?
Patients are refrain from taking any medication or dietary supplement that can act as a blood thinner for 48 hours after injections. Patients should also refrain from doing exercise for at least 24 hours after injection (exercise increases temporarily the blood pressure, thus increasing the risks of bruising at the injection sites). Patents are also are recommended to ice the treated area with ice packs for at least 6 to 10 hours post treatment.