How are moles removed?
Depending on the size, shape, and depth of your mole(s), removal is performed using one of three methods:
- Shaving: Moles that appear benign and are relatively small can often be removed through a shaving technique, where a scalpel is run over the surface of your skin until it reaches the raised portion of the mole and shaves it off. This is a minimally invasive form of mole removal, and is effective in most cases.
- Laser removal: Small, cosmetic moles can often be removed with laser treatment, which is the lightest form of mole removal. The energy from the laser is absorbed by the pigmented cells in the mole, which causes them to die and be reabsorbed into the body.
- Excision: If your mole is larger and the structure extends into the deeper layers of your skin, Dr. Mesa may recommend surgically excising your mole. Excision can remove all traces of your mole.