What is a Liquid Face Lift in New Jersey and New York City?
A Liquid Face Lift is the latest advancement in minimally invasive rejuvenating the face that provides a more youthful appearance.
As we age, we lose fat from our face, especially under the eyes, in the cheeks, and in the pre-jowl regions. As these areas deflate, it makes the face look hollowed, creating shadows where there were none in youth. In addition to the shadows, the volume loss can cause wrinkles to form, especially in the area where dimples usually occur.
A Liquid Face by Dr. Mesa, A Board Certified New Jersey and New York City Cosmetic Latin Plastic Surgeon and Craniofacial Surgeon, may involve the use of cosmetic dermal fillers (Juvederm, Restylane, Belotero, Restylane Silk) to provide volume and fill in wrinkles, while other dermal fillers may be selected for use deeper within the skin to offer significant contouring to the facial structure (Voluma, Radiesse, Radiesse +, Perlane). Other products like Botox may be used to relax certain muscles in the face, providing a reduction in lines around the brows or mouth. Any combination of these treatments may be used to enhance the overall look of the face, tailored to perfectly suit the patient’s particular goals and needs.