How are breast implants placed during breast augmentation?
Breast implants in New Jersey with Dr. Mesa is a very common procedure. During our initial consultation, he will discuss the different implant placement techniques and determine the best choice, given your body type. If your breasts are sagging, Dr. Mesa may recommend a breast Lift along with your implant surgery. Common locations of the breast implants:
- Placement “underneath the muscle” (placement of the breast implant beneath the chest wall muscle (submuscular implants). This technique is used most often by Dr. Mesa.
- Placement “on top of the muscle “ or under the breast tissue (subglandular implants). This technique is used in selected candidates by Dr. Mesa with certain specific physical findings.
Where are the incisions made for breast augmentation with implants?
Incisions for breast implant augmentation can be placed in multiple areas depending on the technique. They can be made in the crease where the breast meets the chest (inframammary fold), around the areola (the darker skin surrounding your nipple -periareolar), or in the armpit. These incisions are discreetly placed where scarring will be least noticeable. The incision through the belly button approach is uncommon but is an alternate insertion site. Dr. Mesa most commonly uses the inframammary incision because it’s the one that has been demonstrated to give more control to the breast implant pocket and therefore more reliable results.
What should I expect during breast augmentation with implants surgery?
You will undergo surgery under general anesthesia at one of the fully accredited hospitals or surgery center operating rooms where Dr. John Mesa routinely performs surgery in New Jersey or New York City. The procedure takes 2 hours to complete. Dr. Mesa closes the incisions with dissolving stitches and places you in a supportive bra for your comfort during the recovery. Generally, breast augmentation with breast implants is performed on an outpatient basis. You will need to have a close friend or family member drive you to and from the surgery center and care for you for the first 24-48 hours after surgery.
What is to expect after breast augmentation with implants surgery?
Patients may have varying degrees of temporary bruising, swelling, and some discomfort. Dr. Mesa will prescribe medication to help you with any soreness after surgery. You will wear a special support bra after surgery. You will be up and moving around the day of surgery. Depending on your type of employment, you may return to work between 7-14 days after your breast procedure. Stitches will dissolve and do not need to be removed. Swelling in your breasts may take a few weeks to disappear. Dr. Mesa will closely follow your recovery to ensure you are able to resume normal exercising and activities.